Monday, November 8, 2010

The Pilgrim's Prayer

What kind of people were the Pilgrims? Clearly, they were fervent Christians who pursued their dream of religious freedom with a dedicated zeal that never wavered.

One hundred one of them crowded into the ship known as the Mayflower and sailed from Lyden, Holland, to a land most of them had never seen. They sailed across a wild churning sea from September 16 to November 21, 1620. A year later, only half of them had survived all of the various afflictions and hardships which came to them.

Nevertheless, they were grateful. They had religious freedom. They had opportunity. They had a New World to explore, develop, inhabit and appreciate. They wanted to thank God. Thus, all who were left, gathered with their Native-American neighbors, and had a joyous celebration of Thanksgiving. It is recorded that they prayed this prayer: "Thanks be to God for the strength which he has given us and the blessing he has provided in bringing us to this hour which is laden with possibilities for the future."

What an appropriate prayer for us today also. Many Blessings, Diana

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