Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Horn of Plenty

The symbol that best expresses the abundance that Thanksgiving celebrates is the cornucopia. The cornucopia is an ancient symbol used in both Greek and Roman mythology. In some myths, the goat Amalthea, whose milk fed the infant Zeus, was said to have a horn that was always filled with whatever anyone wanted to eat or drink. In other tales the Roman goddess of plenty, named "Copia", always wore or carried a horn filled with fruits and drinks. The horn of plenty was always full; its abundance could never be exhausted.

Today the cornucopia sounds the joyful noise of God's bountiful blessings, of the abundant, overflowing graciousness that God makes available in our lives. This horn also sounds a note to remind us that we must use our blessings to bless others. Adapted from "Homiletics"

Now thank we all our God. Have a blessed week. Diana

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