Monday, February 8, 2010

Heart Health Month

February is Heart Health Month and in honor of this, I want to pass on a tip from my old Parish Nurse position at the church.
Do you know what your blood pressure is? The CDC tells us that high blood pressure killed 49,707 Americans in 2002. Early detection, treatment and control are important in saving lives. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. About 1/3 of American adults have high blood pressure. The top number (systolic) represents the pressure when the heart is beating and the bottom number (diastolic) represents the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. A blood pressure below 120/80 is considered normal, anything over 140/90 is considered to be high blood pressure. High blood pressure is easily detectable and usually controllable with lifestyle modifications such as increasing physical activity or reducing dietary salt intake, with or without medications. Have your blood pressure checked and know your numbers!

Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise...Ephesians 5:15

Blessings, Diana

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