Sunday, November 29, 2009

How far is it to Christmas?

Remember to sign up for the Women's Retreat on January 23 and 24. The info is in my blog of last month. This would be a nice Christmas present for any Christian woman. You do not have to belong to Rockport to come. Love, Diana

How far is it to Christmas day?
The journey's just as long
As taking time to listen
To a joyful angel song.
It's just as far as one can go
In doing a loving deed
That helps someone feel better
Or that meets their special need.
For Christmas is a journey
That the heart makes every year.
It starts right with your family
And those you hold so dear.
It travels on to strangers
'Round the world to everyone
With the message that God loves us
And that's why he's sent his Son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing and hearing Ginny Pippin again! She is awesome! Thanks Diana!