Sunday, November 1, 2009

God is looking for Hands to Use

Some time ago, an Irish physician, Dr. Alexander Irvine, wrote a book dedicated to his saintly mother. It was called My Lady of the Chimney Corner. The lead character in the book, a godly woman named Anna, lived and ministered to others as Dr. Irvine's own mother had done. The book tells of Anna going to the home of a neighbor who had just lost a son in a tragedy at sea. Anna and the bereaving mother visited for awhile, then Anna suggested that they have a prayer together. As their heads bowed, Anna reached out and placed her loving hand on the neighbor's forehead. When the prayer was over, the mourning mother said, "I think I felt His touch upon my brow."
Anna said, "God is everywhere looking for hands to use. Sometimes he takes the hand of a doctor and uses it in healing. Sometimes he takes the hand of a mother to soothe the brow of a fevered child. And sometimes he takes the hand of an old critter like me to bring a bit of help and comfort to a neighbor. But they are all God's hands, and God is everywhere looking for hands to use." Let us say this week, "Here I am Lord" as we sang this Sunday in our hymnal. Diana