Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Football and the Game of Life

Football is on our TV a lot of the time lately and thus this topic found in the Baptist Press for you and me.
Joe Gibbs, the former coach of the Washington Redskins, spoke to a conference of Baptist men in Orlando, Florida. He compared the game of football with the game of life--a game we don't want to lose."We've got to have a head coach. A coach who cares about us. That coach is God. God cares about us. He cares so much that he willingly sacrificed his Son on our behalf. That's love beyond what all of us can comprehend.
Our team, the coach suggested, is really our family. "What you're taking care of at home is more important than what you're taking care of at work," he said. Then he offered this advice: "Don't ignore your wife and your family in order to be a success. The most important thing you can leave in life is your influence at home."
"The Bible," Gibbs pointed out "is God's game plan." If we follow God's game plan, we'll be able to handle any setbacks or losses. Indeed, we may discover that our losses end up being the greatest victories in our life. In closing, Gibbs said, "The real question is: How are we playing ?" Have a good week all you bloggers. Diana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks Diana!