Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A New Year Brings a New Beginning

To the 12 wonderful women who went on the annual Women's Overnight Retreat this past weekend, I want to say thank you for their sharing, and Christian faith that made this event so special. Our retreat leader, Ginny Pippin, was so knowledgeable and the topic "Mary, Woman of Faith and Strength" was so interesting. To all those who have not been on a retreat, I invite you next year to come and be a part of a powerful weekend. Beyond growing in our faith, the fellowship is something that binds us together throughout the year.
The following is a poem sent to me by a friend on the retreat:
As the New Year starts
and the old year ends
There's no better time
to make amends
For all the things
we sincerely regret
And wish in our hearts
we could somehow forget--
We all make mistakes,
for it's human to err,
But no one need ever
give up in despair,
For God gives us all
a brand new beginning,
A chance to start over
and repent of our sinning--
And when God forgives us
we too must forgive
and resolve to do better
each day that we live
By constantly trying
to be like Him more nearly
And to trust in His wisdom
and love Him more dearly--
Assured that we're never
out of His care
And always welcome
to seek Him in prayer. Blessings, Diana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Diana for all your hard work in seeing this retreat happen. I do have a new appreciation for Mary. I enjoyed having tea with her! The closing worship and blessings given upon each of us by each of us was truly unforgettable!