Sunday, January 31, 2010

God's Peace

Our church was the site of a beautiful memorial service today for the father of a long time faithful Rockport family. Approximately 150 people came to the service and reception after. It was wonderful to see the love and support that family and church friends shared in God's presence. The family was so embraced in this difficult time and the seemed to relax. The following story is about what happened at church this afternoon although in another man's life in a different circumstance.
A minister, Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas, once told of a terrifying childhood experience. He was 4 years old and was in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The caregivers thought it was best for him to spend the first night in the hospital. Thinking little Ellsworth would be well take care of, his father and mother went to their hotel room for the night. Alone in a strange setting, the child was quickly overwhelmed by fear and loneliness. His wailing and profuse tears compelled the nurse in charge to telephone the parents. Here is how Dr. Kalas describes what heppened when his father came for him:
"I remember his dressing me there in the darkness. Then I remember getting on a street car, and sitting way back in the car as we rode to the hotel. He held me very close to him, his long ungainly arm wrapped around me. And the little boy who had been so frightened was now at peace."
Dr. Kalas went on to say that we all have those times when the odds are too great for us to handle. "How good, then, to draw deeply on the resources of God! In Him, there is a peace which is greater than the trouble. How good, indeed, to burrow into a place of security, and to feel an arm wrapping strong about us and to know that it is the arm of our Heavenly Father."

Have a Blessed Week, Diana

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A New Year Brings a New Beginning

To the 12 wonderful women who went on the annual Women's Overnight Retreat this past weekend, I want to say thank you for their sharing, and Christian faith that made this event so special. Our retreat leader, Ginny Pippin, was so knowledgeable and the topic "Mary, Woman of Faith and Strength" was so interesting. To all those who have not been on a retreat, I invite you next year to come and be a part of a powerful weekend. Beyond growing in our faith, the fellowship is something that binds us together throughout the year.
The following is a poem sent to me by a friend on the retreat:
As the New Year starts
and the old year ends
There's no better time
to make amends
For all the things
we sincerely regret
And wish in our hearts
we could somehow forget--
We all make mistakes,
for it's human to err,
But no one need ever
give up in despair,
For God gives us all
a brand new beginning,
A chance to start over
and repent of our sinning--
And when God forgives us
we too must forgive
and resolve to do better
each day that we live
By constantly trying
to be like Him more nearly
And to trust in His wisdom
and love Him more dearly--
Assured that we're never
out of His care
And always welcome
to seek Him in prayer. Blessings, Diana

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Let It Begin With Me

This week my father had a sroke and is in the hospital working to recover. He is a strong and gentle man who has loved life and God and this poem is how his life is lived.

To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face,
to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains;
To approach my work with a clean mind;
To hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things,
the Ultimate Purpose toward which I am working;
To meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart;
To approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep and joy that comes from work well done--
This is how I desire to waste wisely my days. --Thomas Drier

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Weather

He orders the snow, 'Blanket the earth!' and the rain, 'Soak the whole countryside!' No one can escape the weather-it's there. And no one can escape from God. Job 37:6,7 The Message

Did this week's snow remind you that yes, we do live in snowy Cleveland? Do you have a winter safety kit at home? The Communicable Disease Council ( suggests that we have a week's worth of food and safety supplies including drinking water, canned/no-cook food such as crackers and dried fruits and bread, non-electric can opener, baby food and formula(if needed), prescription drugs and other medicines, first aid kit, rock-salt to melt snow on walkways, supply of cat litter or bag of sand to add traction on walkways, flashlights and extra battery-powered lamps or lanterns.(Avoid the use of candles to prevent the risk of fires.) Be safe! This is a Temple Maintenance Tip from the Wellness Ministries of the North Coast District. Diana

Monday, January 4, 2010

Words of Welcome

Welcome to the first full week of the year 2010 and this blog. Let us follow the instructions of the old hymn: "Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in him always, and feed on his Word; Make friends of God's children, help those who are weak, Forgetting in nothing his blessings to seek." God's Blessings, Diana