Monday, December 28, 2009

"Song of the Old English Caroliers"

God send you happy,
God send you happy.
We pray God send you
a happy new year." "Song of the Old English Caroliers"

Who is that knocking at our door this New Year? "Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in the eat with him, and he with me."-(Revelation 3:20) Fondly, Diana

Saturday, December 19, 2009

We've Come a Long Way Since That First Christmas Day

We've come a long way
since that first Christmas Night
When led by a star
so wondrously bright
The Wise Men journeyed
to find the place
That cradled the Christ Child's
beautiful face----
But like "lost sheep"
we have wandered away
From God and His Son
who was born Christmas Day,
And instead of depending
on God's guiding hand
Ingenious man has assumed
full command
Like the "Prodigal Son"
who seeks to be free
From the heavenly Father
and his holy decree----
But life without God
is corroding man's soul,
Weakening his spirit
and distorting his goal,
And unless we return
to our Father again
We will never have Peace
and Good Will among men----
And the freedom man sought
will make him a slave
For only through God
is man strong, free, and brave,
So let us return
to our Father and pray
That Christ is reborn
in our hearts Christmas Day.

A blessed "Mary" Christmas to all from this lowly Visitation Minister, Diana

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What if?

Just another little reminder to all women to sign up for the Women's Retreat on January 23 and 24. We have 9 women but need more. Read the info on my previous blog about the details.

If every deed of love I did
Were a crimson rose near the manger bed,
Would there be enough for a small bouquet
Or a carpet of color to brighten the hay?
If every prayer I prayed for others
Became one stitch in the Baby's covers
When the north wind blew, how warm would he be,
If wrapped in a blanket woven by me? by Phyllis Lee

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How far is it to Christmas?

Remember to sign up for the Women's Retreat on January 23 and 24. The info is in my blog of last month. This would be a nice Christmas present for any Christian woman. You do not have to belong to Rockport to come. Love, Diana

How far is it to Christmas day?
The journey's just as long
As taking time to listen
To a joyful angel song.
It's just as far as one can go
In doing a loving deed
That helps someone feel better
Or that meets their special need.
For Christmas is a journey
That the heart makes every year.
It starts right with your family
And those you hold so dear.
It travels on to strangers
'Round the world to everyone
With the message that God loves us
And that's why he's sent his Son!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Thanksgiving Song

In worship today the sanctuary was filled with music. I have found a song that even I can sing at the Thanksgiving day table. (sung to the tune of "Kum Ba Yah")
For our food, O Lord,
we give thanks.
For our homes,O
Lord, we give thanks.
For our families,
we give thanks.
O Lord,
we give thanks.

For our friends, O
Lord, we give thanks.
For our earth, O
Lord, we give thanks.
For each night and
day, we give thanks. O, Lord,
we give thanks.--Marie Senften

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Diana

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

The Pilgrims invited their Native American friends to enjoy Thanksgiving with them. Ninety friends came and stayed for three days. They must have enjoyed the worship, feasting, and merrymaking. The main point to remember in looking forward to Thanksgiving is that the Puritans were willing to pay an enormous price for the privilege of freedom of worship. They were profoundly grateful to God! Here in America, no established church harassed them, no government agency restricted them, and no one ridiculed them. They were free to worship in the manner they chose. And they did just that! On Thanksgiving Day Rockport will be grateful for our abundance,and thankful for our manifold blessings. Let us also be profoundly appreciative of our freedom to worship according to our hearts and minds. Diana

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Kindness

Helen Keller said: "Join the great company of those who make the barren places of life fruitful with kindness." The kindness and teaching of the Native Americans to the Pilgrims allowed the Pilgrims to learn how to live off the land by planting corn, fishing the waters, and hunting the game. At this time of year we must remember how kindness allowed the founding fathers to celebrate the first Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

God is looking for Hands to Use

Some time ago, an Irish physician, Dr. Alexander Irvine, wrote a book dedicated to his saintly mother. It was called My Lady of the Chimney Corner. The lead character in the book, a godly woman named Anna, lived and ministered to others as Dr. Irvine's own mother had done. The book tells of Anna going to the home of a neighbor who had just lost a son in a tragedy at sea. Anna and the bereaving mother visited for awhile, then Anna suggested that they have a prayer together. As their heads bowed, Anna reached out and placed her loving hand on the neighbor's forehead. When the prayer was over, the mourning mother said, "I think I felt His touch upon my brow."
Anna said, "God is everywhere looking for hands to use. Sometimes he takes the hand of a doctor and uses it in healing. Sometimes he takes the hand of a mother to soothe the brow of a fevered child. And sometimes he takes the hand of an old critter like me to bring a bit of help and comfort to a neighbor. But they are all God's hands, and God is everywhere looking for hands to use." Let us say this week, "Here I am Lord" as we sang this Sunday in our hymnal. Diana

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Fall to You

Thought for the Week:
A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is it like to be a Christian?"
The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.
He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smilling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see." God's Blessings, Diana

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thought for this Week

In Matthew 25 we find Christ telling us how we will finally be judged. Judgment, Jesus indicated, would center on how we meet the needs of the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, those without adequate clothes, those who were sick or imprisoned. Christ's word was, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethen, you did it to me" (Matthew 25:40). Let's all go out, this week, and do a random act of kindness. Diana

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Overnight Womens' Retreat

Overnight Womens' Retreat
Saturday, January 23 @10AM-Sunday, January 24 @ 10AM
River's Edge Retreat Center
3430 Rocky River Drive, Cleveland
Topic: Mary, Woman of Faith and Strength

Ladies of all ages are invited to a relaxing overnight retreat, including 3 prepared meals and a private bedroom suite. There will be a study of Mary, lead by Ginny Pippin, a Rockport retreat leader favorite. If time allows we will use the heated indoor pool in the evening. The retreat site is completely handicap accessible. Mark your calendars now and sign up on the bulletin board. Cost this year: $120. This fee is due by December 30. All checks are payable to Diana Shook. Questions contact Diana through the church office. (440-331-9433)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hello from Diana Shook

Enjoy the ramblings of Rockport's Visitation Co-ordinator, Stephen Minister Leader and Mary Martha Circle Member. My visitation ministry involves visiting those who aren't able to come to church...including those hospitalized, homebound, or sick. It also includes visitation to those with major events affecting their life, such as family death, divorce, loneliness, or depression. I am not a minister or a counselor, but I am a person who loves caring about others. In my previous years of working ,I have been employed as a registered nurse. I receive much more than I give in this calling, as I travel along to different households, ministering emotionally and spiritually. We are blessed with a congregation full of faith, life and love, who at times hit a bump in life's road, as all human do. The church can help at those times if we know what is going on in a life. It is so important to notify the church if you are ill or need help in any way. Along with pastor visits or my visits, we run a "Random Acts of Kindness" program that pairs those with identified needs(rides, meals,etc.) with volunteers who have offered to help in those areas.
Another ministry of caring in our church is a group called Stephen Ministers. A Stephen Minister is: a child of God who walks beside a hurting person, a caring Christian friend who really listens, and a lay person who has received 50 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care. Rockport Church has 15 Stephen Ministers and a group of 4 parishioners in training to become ministers. S.M. is grounded in Jesus' command to love one another. Through one-on-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support themselves. Call the church office to talk to me or Pastor Gordon to receive a S.M. or volunteer to train to be a S.M. Being a S.M. is rewarding and our potlucks throughout the year are pretty out of this world! The S.M.s have been trained by Pastor Gordon in how to give communion and we are beginning to share communion with their care receivers.
Last but not least, I want to talk about Mary Martha Circle. I am priveleged to work with and attend this vibrant circle. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in the parlor. We number 20-25 ladies, who get together for fellowship with lots of talk, laughter, and good eating. A short program is given by myself and others. We bring a sandwich and 2 hostesses provide dessert, coffee and tea. Members of the church and guests are so welcome. This is such a good way to meet some friendly ladies. As tradition would have it, the pastor provides the cheesies. Gentle Blessings, Diana