Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life Is Eternal

This last week my father died and my family so appreciates the many kind words and prayers and food we received. In reading my Lenten devotional this day I read the prayer: Lord of Life, when my time comes to breathe my last earthly breath, may I die trusting that I will continue to live forever with you in glory. I believe my father knew this prayer and is with God in glory this day. Gods Blessings to you all, Diana

Sunday, March 7, 2010

How God Comes

Each morning, when the eastern sky
With opalescent tints grow bright,
From out the dawn for those who hear
There comes a whisper, "I am light!"

When spring arrives in bright array,
Transcending storms and winter strife,
The budding trees and opening flowers
Tell their sweet story:"I am life!"

Then through the glorious summer days,
Long hours of bliss without alloy,
The sun, the birds, all nature joins
The great, glad chorus:"I am joy!"

And when the heart is strangely stirred
With mystic echoes from above,
A voice divine speaks to the soul--
Ecstatic moment!--"I am Love!"

Or if life's problems vex us sore
And from our woes we seek release,
God sends His dews of quietness
And gently whispers, "I am peace!"

And should there come the darker hours,
The shadowy vale can hold no fear;
That reassuring voice speaks forth,
"Courage, my children, I am here!"

I hope you enjoy this poem as spring arrives. This speaks to me as I continue the journey with my father in his struggles with a second stroke.

Taken from St. Andrew's Epicopal Church, Saratoga, California