Monday, December 28, 2009

"Song of the Old English Caroliers"

God send you happy,
God send you happy.
We pray God send you
a happy new year." "Song of the Old English Caroliers"

Who is that knocking at our door this New Year? "Here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in the eat with him, and he with me."-(Revelation 3:20) Fondly, Diana

Saturday, December 19, 2009

We've Come a Long Way Since That First Christmas Day

We've come a long way
since that first Christmas Night
When led by a star
so wondrously bright
The Wise Men journeyed
to find the place
That cradled the Christ Child's
beautiful face----
But like "lost sheep"
we have wandered away
From God and His Son
who was born Christmas Day,
And instead of depending
on God's guiding hand
Ingenious man has assumed
full command
Like the "Prodigal Son"
who seeks to be free
From the heavenly Father
and his holy decree----
But life without God
is corroding man's soul,
Weakening his spirit
and distorting his goal,
And unless we return
to our Father again
We will never have Peace
and Good Will among men----
And the freedom man sought
will make him a slave
For only through God
is man strong, free, and brave,
So let us return
to our Father and pray
That Christ is reborn
in our hearts Christmas Day.

A blessed "Mary" Christmas to all from this lowly Visitation Minister, Diana

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What if?

Just another little reminder to all women to sign up for the Women's Retreat on January 23 and 24. We have 9 women but need more. Read the info on my previous blog about the details.

If every deed of love I did
Were a crimson rose near the manger bed,
Would there be enough for a small bouquet
Or a carpet of color to brighten the hay?
If every prayer I prayed for others
Became one stitch in the Baby's covers
When the north wind blew, how warm would he be,
If wrapped in a blanket woven by me? by Phyllis Lee